This 13th of September marks the
centenary of Roald Dahl's birth. Loved by millions of readers all over the world, not many people know that this Welsh children's author was also a Second World War Royal Air Force pilot and spy. He met and worked alongside Ian Fleming, who would later become James Bond's creator . As a screenwriter, Roald Dahl himself would write the script for
You Only Live Twice.

His charming characters are unforgettable. His skilful and magic stories keep the reader enthralled from start to finish. Although they are widely popular nowadays also thanks to their screen versions - like Spielberg's
Gremlins, Tim Burton's
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Danny de Vito's
Matilda or
James and the Giant Peach - he
firmly believed in the importance of reading, and he was not always pleased with these adaptations. "I'm probably more pleased with my children's books than with my adult short stories. Children's books are harder to write. It's tougher to keep a child interested because a child does not have the concentration of an adult. A child knows the television is in the next room. It's tough to hold a child, but it's a lovely thing to try to do."
Roald Dahl loved writing for children, but he knew about the bad influence of television on them... What would he have thought if he had lived in this age of smartphones, tablets and social networks?